Davis, Pickering & Co., Inc. is an general and electrical contracting company located in Marietta, Ohio. Davis Pickering provides all of our electrical and photovoltaic system installations. They have recently completed their second phase of their PV installation, which brings the total system capacity to 19.6 kWDC with 80 panels. This will provide approximately 50 % of the energy requirements for its 12,000 sf facility. This system uses both Schott 230 Watt panels and IsoFoton 240 Watt panels and Enphase microinverters.
When the full system is installed it could provide approximately 40 kWDC of PV power and will offset most of the building’s energy use.
Current Configuration- 19.6 kWDC (12,000 sq ft)
Current Annual Energy Offset 50%
Phase 2 Annual Energy Offset 80%